September 2020 Progressive Voices

September 2020 Progressive Voices

Issue 34

Contents 2 Poem: I’m with Thomas 3 Welcome; Staff & Trustees; Membership 4 Chair’s Letter 5 Review: Stories we tell ourselves 6 Historical Jesus and Coronavirus 7 Who’s to blame? 8 What can we believe about Jesus? #4 9 Litany for Covid-19 10 Quakers and the 8 points? 12 Let the Worship be Queer 13 Material / Spiritual? 14 On Religion and Science 15 Poem: Seeing the light 16 Big Bang, Evolution and all that? 17 Nasty Parables 18 News from local groups; Letters;Advertising; Build Back Better 20 Reviews: Where Airy Voices Lead, Virus as a summons to faith, Climate Crisis, The HeART of communication, The Wobbly Bridge, Discovering the spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius, Seeking Paradise, Journey to contentment, Jesus through Muslim Eyes, Quakers Do What! Why, Beyond the Cave, Kabbalah and Healing, Wells of Thought 24 Made of Stories
