On the Edge - a Progressive Christianity Lent Course for 2015
Added Monday 2nd March 2015

We offer this five part Lent course prepared by the former PCN chair, John Churcher. It comes free and can be used for personal reflection
This course is based on readings in the gospels of St Mark and St John. Each section consists of a carefully argued interpretation of the text interspersed with questions for discussion along the way and at the end of each section, encouragement to articulate your own conclusions.
Week One: Mark 1: 9 - 11 The baptism of Jesus: contradictory Gospel stories
Week Two: Mark 8: 31 - 38 Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection
Week Three: John 2: 13 - 22 Jesus Cleanses the Temple: once or twice?
Week Four: John 3:14 - 21 For God so loved the world: one of the most out of context and misquoted verses in the whole of the Christian Testament
Week Five: John 12:20 - 35 Passiontide and John’s Gospel
John Churcher was chair of PCN Britain from 2008 to 2012 and then vice chair until 2014. He first published this 2015 course on his website Permission to Speak