March 2020 Progressive Voices
Added Friday 20th March 2020
Issue 32
Contents: 2 Hymn: Creation’s splendour 3 Welcome; Staff and Trustees 4 Chair’s Letter; Membership 5 To Sing or not to Sing? 6 The feeling may be missing …. 7 PCN Annual General Meeting (and film launch); Thinking Science, Thinking Faith Conference; Free to Believe Conference; Hymn: I cannot tell 8 What can we believe about Jesus? #2 9 Poem: Sometimes, in the dark moments; Poem: Portable Paradise 10 Then and Now 12 Making it in the end 14 Judas - a Psychiatric View 17 God: A Long-time Coming? 18 News from local groups; Letters 20 Reviews: Everyday Ubuntu, More Honest to God, Church of Snails, The Guided Life, Has Science Killed God?, Who Cares about HIV, Jesus and After, The Apostate’s Creed, Outgrowing Dawkins 22 Living in Love and Faith Conference 23 Poem: Death’s Welcome 24 Ten Commandments Remix