December 2021 Progressive Voices
Added Wednesday 5th January 2022

Issue 39
2 John Shelby Spong
3 Welcome; Staff & Trustees
4 John Shelby Spong: Remembered, Affirmed, Accompanied, Privileged, Comforted, Supported, Graced
6 Walking Forward; Thinking Science, Thinking Faith; Membership
7 With Conviction; Introducing: Gwen Wills
8 Chair’s Letter
9 Letters; Memoriam
10 Beware False Prophets
11 Is this not the carpenter?
12 Lost in … Hiraeth; Cerebrations
13 Poems: Unfolding; Free as a bird; Guiding Lights
14 Life in all its fullness
16 Unholy / holy - thoughts about Prayer
18 News from local groups
20 Reviews: Death, Where Is Your Sting?; Mediating Faith; Candles in the Dark; Trauma and Pastoral Care; Where the light fell; The art of Holy Week and Easter; The World, the Flesh, and the Devil; Heaven Come Down; Communicate for Change; Church Going Gone; Cornflakes Theology
23 Poem: Two Trees
24 John Shelby Spong: bibliography