Walk the Jesus Walk by John Simmonds
Added Wednesday 12th May 2021
A Together in Hope publication - This PDF covers six sessions. The aim is to give encouragement and hope to those who seek a credible Christian faith for the twenty first century.
Added Wednesday 12th May 2021
A Together in Hope publication - This PDF covers six sessions. The aim is to give encouragement and hope to those who seek a credible Christian faith for the twenty first century.
Added Wednesday 12th May 2021
A Together in Hope publication - This PDF contains transcripts of the five talks given to the joint PCN Britain and Modern Church conference marking the 50th anniversary of John Robinson’s book, Honest to God. The conference took place in November 2013 at The Hayes, Swanwick.
Added Saturday 12th December 2020
An article from Progressive Voices Issue 33 June 2020
Added Sunday 2nd December 2018
Simon Cross gives a new perspective
Added Thursday 13th April 2017
A new PCN leaflet for 2017
Added Monday 2nd March 2015
We offer this five part Lent course prepared by the former PCN chair, John Churcher. It comes free and can be used for personal reflection
Added Tuesday 21st October 2014
This version of the well known Advent hymn, O Come, O Come, Emanuel, was penned by Gretta Vosper, and forms part of 'Sing it Forward', aAdded Thursday 6th March 2014
A new Lent course in five parts has been written by John Churcher, vice chair of PCN Britain
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