Living the Questions 2.0 Home Edition

DVD series 21 sessions. This study course is for individuals who wish to explore beyond the traditions and rote theologies in which so many people and local churches seem to be stuck. Living the Questions will help seekers discover the significance of Christianity in the 21st Century and what a meaningful faith can look like in today’s world. Contributors include: John Bell, Marcus Borg, Walter Brueggemann, Diana Butler Bass, Dominic Crossan, Matthew Fox, Lloyd Geering, Hans Küng, Brian McLaren, Robin Meyers, Bernard Brandon Scott & John Shelby Spong. There are three discs each with its own theme: Invitation to Journey, Reclaiming the World and Call to Covenant. The 20-minute video segments include conversations with leading voices of faith, sermon and lecture clips. LtQ2 is an open-minded alternative to studies that attempt to give participants all the answers and instead strives to create an environment where participants can interact with one another in exploring what’s next for Christianity. List of themes Watch a trailer Living the Questions 2.0 Home Edition is licensed for private home viewing only, all other rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication, exhibition and/or distribution of this product is a violation of applicable laws and is strictly prohibited. A group-use version of LtQ2 is available at Living the Questions 2.0 and includes downloadable participant and leader resources for small group study. This DVD is published only in the North American format, NTSC. Most modern European DVD players and TVs should be able to play this satisfactorily. Should you encounter any difficulty in playing this DVD, please get in touch. If we can’t solve the problem, we will refund you on return of the product in good condition.