PCN interview with Merrie
Added Thursday 9th August 2012
Merrie joined PCN Britain in 2010
Added Thursday 9th August 2012
Merrie joined PCN Britain in 2010
Added Thursday 9th August 2012
Sandra is a founder member of PCN
Added Wednesday 29th February 2012
A paper on intersex conditions and Christian theology which questions anthropological assumptions behind Latimer Trust-sponsoredAdded Monday 7th November 2011
This article by Andrew Parker (website http://bibleincartoons.co.uk/) was written over a year ago for a church magazine in Suffolk butAdded Tuesday 5th July 2011
A Report on the Conference held at Orchardhill Parish Church – Giffnock, Glasgow By Rev John Hetherington – Kendal PCN GroupAdded Wednesday 10th November 2010
Carol Williams and Geoff Newton from PCN's Exeter Group offer an exploration of and suggested remedies for the present divisions betweenAdded Tuesday 2nd November 2010
Theologian, Marcus Borg led PCN’s September 2010 conference in Edinburgh. The talks, sermon and questions were recorded and are availableAdded Tuesday 2nd November 2010
Theologian, Marcus Borg led PCN's September 2010 conference in Edinburgh. The talks, sermon and questions were recorded and are availableAdded Tuesday 2nd November 2010
Theologian, Marcus Borg led PCN's September 2010 conference in Edinburgh. The talks, sermon and questions were recorded and are availableAdded Monday 2nd August 2010
In May 2010, Professor David Catchpole led a PCN Britain residential weekend at the St Deiniol's residential library. He addressed some ofPage 3 of 3