Hove Methodist Church

We are an open hearted, inclusive community that welcomes you just as you are, with your struggles and hopes, your beliefs, doubts and questions.

We find grace in the search for understanding; we find meaning in the life and teachings of Jesus; we find inspiration for our spiritual journey in diverse sources of wisdom. We are committed to a path of life-long learning.

We recognise that the way we behave towards one another is the most telling expression of what we believe. We endeavour to practise our calling to serve one another in selfless love within the family of our church and within our diverse community.

We are not people who have ‘got it all sorted’, but we draw strength from each other and value the fact that we can learn from each other and explore questions of faith together in a safe and supportive environment. In particular, amongst our activities, we hold a monthly group called ‘The Big Question’.

Whoever you are, and wherever you are on your journey, you are welcome to join us.

Contact Details

Portland Road
Brighton & Hove
Contact: Rev Andy Lowe
Tel: 01273 962925