Group Profile

Contact Details

Convenor: Sue O'Hare
Location: Vale of Glamorgan
Region: Wales
Phone: 07713 354776

About Us

The Vale of Glamorgan PCN group meets in Barry fortnightly at the home of one of our members. We are a diverse group of people with differing backgrounds and life experiences. Some are lapsed church attenders, others are practicing Christians; from various denominations. We all have something to contribute and are willing to share our thoughts on traditional Biblical interpretation and explore new thinking in the light of new evidence and experience. Please contact Sue if you wish to come along. See also our Cardiff Group

Venue & Meeting Times

Location - will be given if you contact Sue on the above telephone number or e.mail. Meeting times are 7:30 - 9:30 on a Wednesday, usually fortnightly but occasionally we may miss a week. If you contact Sue she will be able to inform you when we are meeting next.

Group History

The group was started 10 years ago by Rev Sue O-Hare. At that time we met at The Amelia Trust Farm but travelling to the farm during the dark winter nights was not an option for some, so we moved to one of our member's houses which becomes very cosy when we all attend.

We have studied the guides, ‘Living the Questions’ and ‘Saving Jesus’; discussed many books and articles by different authors from America, Britain etc, we have listened to theological discussions on radio programmes, but above all, we value our time of sharing together and each others company. We share our theological disappointments as well as the positive experiences of our lives and together we are growing in our discussions and "study" if you want to call it that. Everyone in our group can voice an opinion if they so wish, every opinion is valid and no-one is right or wrong.

New members are always welcome - please contact us

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