Group Profile

Contact Details

Convenor: Kevin Skippon
Location: Shropshire, North Herefordshire & Powys

About Us

More when we know who 'us' is.

Venue & Meeting Times

Pleased to let you know that the first meeting of this local PCN group will be on
Saturday 7th October 2023
12noon – 4pm
at Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre, Craven Arms SY7 9RS
10 minute walk from railway station and ample parking on site.
Food & refreshments available or bring your own.
If you live in Shropshire, North Herefordshire or Powys you will be welcome to join in with this inaugural meeting when we shall share togerher a little of our journeys, our thoughts and our ideas for the future of this group.
Please contact me if you would like to come along or for more info.

Group History

Just about embryonic but longing to burst forth........

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