How to read the Bible and still be a Christian

This retreat will explore if and how the Bible can be reconciled with the values, attitudes and understandings that shape the modern world.

Start Date:
Friday 6 September 2024
Start Time:
The Ammerdown Centre, Ammerdown Park, Radstock, Somerset BA3 5SW
Dave Tomlinson
£340 Residential, £244 non-residential

Drawing on sources in contemporary culture (songs, music videos, films, poetry, stories etc) and approaches to interpretating texts from both Christian and Jewish traditions, it will look at questions such as:

Is it still worth bothering with the Bible?

How do we reconcile the God of the OT with Jesus?

Why does the Bible contain so much violence?

Is St Paul sexist and homophobic – or misunderstood?

Why do the gospels sometimes sound anti-Semitic?

Sessions will be interactive, based around multi-media presentations Q&A and group work – in a playful, fun atmosphere. Come willing to question, debate and receive fresh insight. Non-Christians very welcome!

Booking Details

Please use the booking link on the Ammerdown Centre website.

Group Programme