Programme Archive

Date Event
23/11/2023 Zoom Gathering
09/11/2023 Face to Face Gathering: “Another Terrifying Day”
23/02/2023 ‘Thoughts on the Five Commandments of Jesus’
16/02/2023 "The Fourth Gospel: Tales of a Jewish Mystic"
24/11/2022 Blessings and Demands: Reflecting on Progressive Christianity
24/03/2022 The Apostate's Creed
24/02/2022 Jai Jagat Group, its Gandhian principles and walking to COP 26 in Glasgow.
27/01/2022 ‘Sex, Sexuality, and Gender in the Old Testament: A Journey of words in relationship’
25/11/2021 “A text out of context is a pretext!" - how to read the Bible / how to look on the line, between the lines and behind the lines of a text rather than interpreting it at face value.
28/10/2021 "The Soul and Resurrection: looking for understanding"
23/09/2021 "Kin-dom ethics of flourishing."
22/07/2021 'The heart of our shared humanity'
24/06/2021 Exploring the theology of Disney's "Soul"
27/05/2021 "Following “the WAY” Today??? Beyond Awe, Beyond theism, Beyond “Jesus” toward a way of BEING LOVE in the World."
22/04/2021 "Pastor John"
25/03/2021 "In Celebration of a 'wild' Faith"
25/02/2021 "Rebuilding America after Trump"
28/01/2021 Exploring the Symphonic Universe
26/11/2020 Urban Ministry in Chicago
23/05/2019 Environmental and Sustainability Responsibilities

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