Group Profile

Contact Details

Convenor: Carole Wynn
Location: Hampshire
Phone: 01329 745687

About Us

In 2005 Martin Godfrey created what he called the 'Hampshire Hub', a network of PCN groups for people living in and around Hampshire. Most are no longer meeting, but there are two groups in south Hampshire: the Portsmouth Group and the Southampton Group. We would be pleased to welcome new members.

Venue & Meeting Times

The Portsmouth Group has seven members who travel from Fareham, Emsworth and Southsea. It meets on a Thursday, on a monthly basis, in Buckland URC Church. We discuss from 1.00 to 2.30, and most of us will share lunch in the church’s café between 12.00 and 1.00. We discuss a variety of topics, led by different members of the group. Currently we are discussing some readings from 'The Little Book of Humanism', and re-visiting the Eight Points of PCN. After that - a topic to be decided.

The Southampton Group has six members, who live in Southampton or travel from Romsey, Whiteparish and Fareham. It meets on a Tuesday, on a monthly basis, in the home of one of our members. We discuss from 10.30 to 12. We are currently reading 'Sacred Nature' by Karen Armstrong.

Group History

The Hub was set up in the Spring of 2005 following a Sea of Faith road show held in Southampton the previous Autumm. Martin Godfrey set up and supported a number of groups throughout the county of Hampshire which met for a good number of years. Most have now died. The two remaining groups are now convened by Carole Wynn.

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