Group Profile

Contact Details

Convenor: Annalu Waller
Location: Dundee University
Region: Scotland
Phone: 01382 388223

About Us

Thinking Allowed is a forum for discussion and learning, open to anyone interested in exploring questions of faith and spirituality.

You do not need to be a member of PCN Britain or belong to any church. This Group is intended for students, staff and friends of the University of Dundee.

An updated outline programme of activities will be available shortly so please add the dates to your diary. Further details will be posted on the University website also.

THINKING ALLOWED seeks to provide a welcoming forum in which there is opportunity to:

Explore matters of faith
Meet other thoughtful, enquiring minds
Be yourself
Have the freedom to remain silent
Enjoy support
Have a sense of belonging
Network with others
Celebrate diversity

Venue & Meeting Times

Thinking Allowed meets monthly during semester time in the Meeting Room on the 1st floor of The University Chaplaincy, University of Dundee, DD1 4HN.

We meet during a Monday lunchtime break from 1.00 until 1.55.

All are welcome (students and staff) from 12.50 onwards for informal chat (you're welcome to bring you lunch to eat!) before the start of meetings.

Note: We shall not meet during April, July or August 2013 as these are vacation months.

Group History

Thinking Allowed was formed in September, 2011 to provide an open forum for those seeking to question matters of faith and spirituality in a safe and respectful environment.

During the past two years a number of students and staff members have looked in on meetings and liked what they found. There is no commitment to attending every meeting, just come when you are able!

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