Hilma Wilkinson's January update

Hello Everyone

Thank you for all the contributions you made to our January PCN Party. Thanks especially to the Christchurch team who always work quietly in the background to make sure everything goes smoothly. It all helped us to relax for a frank and productive discussion about our future and take collective responsibility for our program next year.

I have tried to summarize the decisions made at our January Meeting.

• Judy Clinton will lead our February meeting.

• Two speakers to be invited immediately:- Simon Topping – to be invited by Eric and Glenis and another speaker - to be invited by Maureen. If they can give some alternative dates it will help us balance the program. We may invite Dave Tomlinson at some future time

• Two books were suggested on which to base our discussion:- We didn’t want a heavy book to plough through month by month
1 “The Bad Christian’s Manifesto” Dave Tomlinson – a very readable and anecdotal book which I think we could dip into from time to time. ISBN 978-1-444-75227-41.
2 “In Parables – The challenge of the historical Jesus”, by John Dominic Crossan. Some may have read this already. It is more challenging than the other book but again lends itself to stand alone sessions. ISBN 0-944344-22-4. Eric volunteered, perhaps with Peter, to lead a session on the Parables, if you want to buy the book first.

• Two members each volunteered to lead a session. Christine wanted to focus our thoughts on the Environment. Maureen suggested a session not on what we believe, but why we believe.

These plans are not finalized but once we have dates for speakers we have the basis for at least the first six months of the year. When we have that organized we can, as someone suggested, think about publicity through existing ecumenical channels.

We all expressed our concern for Frank and Wendy and for Eric and Glenis at this time. As we have had no leadership for many months, I have agreed to chair meetings as well act as a link person for the group and with PCN Britain. With everyone’s support we hope to move forward.

Best Wishes
Hilma Wilkinson

PS Christchurch need to use the whole building on the first Saturday in May, so we will probably hold our meeting in Brockworth. (details later)

Let me know if there is any vital piece of information left out.

Group Bulletins