Frank's Report 5 November 2012

Nov 5‘12 There were only eight of us on Saturday ! Although we missed the rest of you it I suppose did give those present more time to voice their thoughts. I had second thoughts about the ‘evangelism’ theme so changed it to ‘reflections on the value of our ‘pcn’ experience.’ I asked Wendy to record some of our responses to the questions we were asking (you can read her writing!). 1. Do you think your faith has gained anything – become enriched ? It’s good to be able to talk about it with friends. It raises more questions than it answers. PCN gives permission to voice doubts which releases others. 2 . Do you think your faith has lost anything which you valued? PCN can undermine certainty in traditional teaching and belief. 3. Are there any areas of the faith that you would like your PCN group to question and explore? How can it all be tied to biblical teaching? The model of Kingdom has formed our thought pattern. What model would be valid today.? 4. Are there any areas of your faith in which questioning would cause you unease? (No specific answer- just a chuckle or two !!) 5. Do you feel that your involvement in the PCN process has distanced you from other church members with traditional views? One described an aggressive tirade launched by a traditional believer. Another had assumed opposition which did not happen It does distance us when there are hymns we can no longer sing with enthusiasm. We have to take care not to upset people who hold other views. 6. PCN is growing nationally. Where do you think this will lead? Anxious lest PCN becomes ‘just another denomination’ (cp origins of Methodism). 7. In your opinion, what is religion for ? A comfort blanket? It gives us someone to thank. A sense of awe and wonder. An attempt to explain why we are here and how it all began where we are going. Next meeting is on Dec. 8th We meet at 1 p.m ,+ bring and share lunch Suggested - we each bring some comment or story, experience related to the Christmas story – Alan and Mary will chair this conversation. Frank G

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