Cornflakes Theology

Cornflakes Theology

New Book Available -
Parishioner Mary Mason couldn’t sleep. Her mind was restless following a Lenten Bible study. She got up early, poured herself a bowl of cornflakes, tore open the empty packet and wrote down the thoughts and questions which were puzzling her. ‘I am a Christian - or am I’? ‘I find it hard to believe in the Virgin Birth’; ‘Sometimes I am in a cynical mood. I could leave the Church and all its human failures and hypocrisies, but God will not let me go’. She ended with the question; ‘Do you tolerate doubting Thomas in your Church? I wish to know. ’If, like Mary, you have an enquiring mind and will allow this book to take you on a roller-coaster read with the author and other, famous, theology scholars, it might help you to a deeper understanding of the Holy Bible and enrich your Christian life. The book can be purchased at .

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