Cornflakes Theology

The monthly meeting of the Cornflakes Theology Group has come to an end. The members have come to realise that the time has come to move on. Each of us has undertaken to focus our energies on developments of Progressive Christianity within our separate churches. We will remain affiliated to PCN and perhaps meet up occasionally to share our ideas and experiences. My particular project at All Saints' Church, Kilham (my parish church) will take the form of a weekly Mid-day Meditation on Wednesday lunchtime. Each session will include a short talk, some music and some periods of silence. At the end of each session members will be invited to share in a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy their lunchbox. Material for the talks will be taken from podcasts of programs like 'Thought for the day' or from Wild Goose Publications like 'He Was In The World' by John Bell and other material from the Taize community. Our 'Mission Staement' will be taken from the Acts of The Apostles 2:42 'They met constantly to hear the Apostles teach, and to share the common life, to break bread, and to pray.' I will continue to send in reports on progress. Kind regards, Rev'd Raymond Eveleigh.

Group Bulletins