Group Profile

Contact Details

Location: Bristol

About Us

Spaceforsoul is an inclusive, open-minded progressive Christian community which aims to support and resource people in making their own individual spiritual journeys. It is rooted in the progressive Christian tradition but also draws on the wealth of spiritual wisdom and inspiration to be found in other spiritual traditions. It recognises that everyone’s spiritual journey is unique and seeks to create a safe space in which we can experience a freedom to share our inner journeys, to explore our developing spirituality and to ‘live the questions’ that are meaningful for us.

It is a forum in which there are no ‘right’ answers; which is free from unhelpful demands, expectations, restrictive structures or rules; which is not concerned with converting others to a particular way of thinking or of living out their spirituality; and which reflects a fundamental trust in our inner resources for change and growth at all levels of our being, including the spiritual. It seeks to give the soul room to breathe, to encourage a creative searching for the answers to life’s deepest questions, and to resource us in finding our own path to the Divine. It also seeks to enable us to deepen our sense of connectedness with our innermost self, with others and with the world around us - or in Henry David Thoreau’s words, to ‘live deep’ physically, psychologically, relationally and spiritually.

For further information, please see our website.

Venue & Meeting Times

‘Soulspace’ is our term for our gatherings.
Each Soulspace is different and is shaped by the individual needs and interests of the group. We may, for example, spend time discussing particular questions or topics that we’re grappling with; explore our reactions to books or films that have particularly spoken to or challenged us spiritually; listen to and discuss talks given by progressive Christian speakers and writers; explore music, art or poetry that has inspired us; or simply share food and fellowship with each other.

Our monthly ‘face to face’ gathering is normally on the first Sunday of the month, from 11:00 to 13:00 at The Old Library, Eastville: Muller Rd, Bristol BS5 6UQ.

The monthly on-line zoom meeting, is normally on the 3rd Weds of the month at 7:00pm.

Details can change so please email us for further details and the zoom link if needed.

We maintain contact with a broad network of people through regular email updates and spirituality resource sheets. Our publication, Awakening, is shared this way and is also available on our website. Anyone is welcome to join the e-mailing list.

If you would like to know more about our Soulspace meetings or wish to join the mailing list, please contact us at

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