TAA January 2023
Sunday 8 January 2023
The usual reminder that we meet on Sunday evening, 8th January, on Zoom at 6.30 pm for Thinking Aloud Allowed. Led by the Rev Andy Lowe, it will be the regular Zoom link info - copied below for your convenience.
- Location:
- Online Zoom
- Speaker:
- Rev Andy Lowe
Thinking about Progressive Morality
Tuesday 6 December 2022
Continuing our recent theme, we shall be examining the basis of moral judgements from a progressive Christian standpoint.
- Location:
- This will be a Zoom Meeting, please contact the convenor by email if you wish to come
Blessings and Demands: Reflecting on Progressive Christianity
Thursday 24 November 2022
What does progressive
Christianity offer those of us who choose it? What demands does it
make on us? Particularly, what does it call us to be and to do?
- Location:
- Zoom
- Speaker:
- Amanda Udis-Kessler.
Song of Songs
Thursday 24 November 2022
Another in the series from Uppity Women of the Bible.
This is the 3rd in the series. (Apologies for not posting details of the October meeting on the book of Judith)
- Location:
- 49 Milton Crescent Tavistock PL19 9AL
- Speaker:
- Dr Lisa Wolfe on DVD
Let's talk about death
Sunday 13 November 2022
“Hey, I know! Let’s talk about death!” ...
Join our “Death Café” conversation with Chris McDermott (University Chaplain, Sussex) and Louise Harman (Artist, Researcher, Advocate of Arts Education and creator of “Louise on Death”.)
Living fully, at home with our mortality and normalising the conversation about death.
- Location:
- Online Zoom
- Speaker:
- Chris McDermott and Louise Harman
God of the Oppressed; the radical Revolutionary Theology of James H. Cone - Professor Anthony Reddie
Thursday 10 November 2022
Anthony Reddie is the Director of the Oxford Centre for Religion and Culture in the Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Oxford. His scholarship in Black theology has been Informed by his doctorate in Education and Practical theology, undertaken at the University of Birmingham with Professor John Hull. This has given him an Interdisciplinary method to the subject that Is somewhat different from the more classical, systematic approaches to Black theology.
This meeting will also be broadcast via zoom
- Location:
- Friends Meeting House, 1 Orchard Road, Malvern, WR14 3DA & via zoom
- Speaker:
- Professor Anthony Reddie
Have Christians anything particular to say (and do) about climate change?
Saturday 5 November 2022
Noone would complain if we said that churches should promote sustainable living. But what does it mean for the individual Christian? We meet in Gloucester, all are welcome.
- Location:
- Christchurch, Abbeydale, Gloucester, GL4 5EQ
- Speaker:
- Rachel Saum
Thinking about Progressive Morality
Tuesday 1 November 2022
The moral and ethical issues involved with euthanasia.
- Location:
- This will be a Zoom Meeting, please contact the convenor by email if you wish to come
CANCELLED: Self-Portrait Still in the Making: My story through the lens of equality and suffering, forgiveness and faith
Friday 21 October 2022
With regret Reading Minster has had to cancel the lecture by Mpho Tutu van Furth, ‘Self-portrait Still in the Making’, scheduled for 21st
The speaker is being admitted to hospital for an operation and recovery time entails that it is unlikely she will be well enough to deliver the lecture.
We apologise to everyone who has been looking forward to this occasion, but circumstances have intervened and forced this decision on us.
We wish Mpho every blessing for the operation and recovery.
Please look out for any further announcements of future events of this kind.
Revd Sonya Wratten, Vicar, Reading Minster.
- Location:
- Host:
- Reading Minster
Thinking Science Thinking Faith
Wednesday 19 October 2022
— Wednesday 2 November 2022
PCN Britain is hosting three online talks on the topic of Science and Faith. These will be held on three consecutive weeks.
- Location:
- Online
- Speaker:
- Richard Baker, Ian Cooke, Andrew Steane
- Host:
- PCN Britain
Creating Inclusive Spaces: a theology of Place
Monday 17 October 2022
In this lecture, Ash Barker explores the question 'how do we make our neighbourhoods safe, inclusive and empowering so that everyone can thrive?'
- Location:
- St Bride’s Church, Percy Street, Liverpool, L8 7LT
- Speaker:
- Revd Dr Ash Barker
- Host:
- St Bride's Church
Wholly, Holey, Holy
Saturday 15 October 2022
11th annual conference on disability and church
- Location:
- Zoom
- Speaker:
- Jennie Hogan (keynote speaker) and others
- Host:
- Inclusive Church
Meaningful, Mystical, Magical or Myth: Exploring the meaning of prayer for us? Gill Pennington
Thursday 13 October 2022
What does prayer mean to us? Is it something we do, something we experience, part of who we are...? This evening will be an opportunity for us consider this strange practice that Jesus exhorts us to participate in regularly.
- Location:
- Friends Meeting House, 1 Orchard Road, Malvern, WR14 3DA
- Speaker:
- Gill Pennington
Feminism - the continuing story
Tuesday 11 October 2022
- Location:
- Brunswick Methodist Church, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7BJ
- Speaker:
- Discussion
TAA October
Sunday 9 October 2022
Next in our regular online meetings. 6.30 pm on Zoom, as usual.
Same Zoom link as before.
All welcome.
- Location:
- Online Zoom
- Speaker:
- Rev Andy Lowe
Thinking about Progressive Morality
Tuesday 4 October 2022
This meeting topic continues to consider the way in which progressive Christians might confront the major moral issues of today.
- Location:
- This will be a Zoom Meeting, please contact the convenor by email if you wish to come
I am the earth sitting - Buddhist chanting with Tenjo Hopwood
Saturday 1 October 2022
This coming Saturday, we welcome the return to our group of Tenjo Hopwood, a Buddhist priest working in Gloucestershire. Everyone is welcome to join this session as Tenjo gives us a lesson in Buddhist chanting.
- Location:
- Brockworth URC Church
- Speaker:
- Tenjo Hopwood, Buddhist priest at the Gloucester Diamond Buddhist Centre.
group meeting
Wednesday 28 September 2022
Evil spirits and demonic possession
- Location:
- Heaton moor united church
Uppity Women of the Bible
Thursday 22 September 2022
The September session is from the "Uppity women of the bible" series produced by Living the Questions. The focus will be on Ruth and is part of a series about women who were rebelliously self-assertive; not rebellious for the sake of it but essentially for self-preservation. The accompanying DVD considers the vulnerability of widows and the difficult situation of foreigners in biblical times. There may well be some surprising revelations!
- Location:
- 49 Milton Crescent Tavistock PL19 9AL
- Speaker:
- Dr Lisa Wolfe on DVD
**POSTPONED** Faith and Frontiers - Christian Responses to the Migration Crisis
Saturday 17 September 2022
This conference will explore the challenges to policy and practice that arise when people cross borders to seek sanctuary. Specifically, it addresses the question of what the Christian response to those who seek care and shelter in our country should be, and asks what insights can be derived from the life and work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
- Location:
- Online
- Speaker:
- Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Ulrich Schmiedel, Keith Clements
- Host:
- Project Bonhoeffer
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