After Atheism
Friday 4 March 2011
On this evening, organised by PCN Glasgow Southside, author and former priest Mark Vernon will talk about the theme of his book After Atheism (Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007). There will certainly be ample space for all to ask questions and to discuss.
- Location:
- Orchardhill Parish Church, Church Road, Giffnock G46 6JR
- Speaker:
- Mark Vernon
Invitation to Journey
Wednesday 9 February 2011
— Wednesday 20 April 2011
A study group to follow the Living the Questions DVD course. Outline of time together: Welcome and refreshments, Watch episode (20-30min.), Open discussion, Brief closing reflection
- Location:
- Leyland United Reformed Church & Penwortham United Reformed Church Lancashire
MARCUS J. BORG ‘Being Christian in the 21st Century’
Friday 10 September 2010
— Sunday 12 September 2010
PCN Britain is delighted to welcome back to the UK Marcus Borg, author of the bestselling Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time, The God We Never Knew, The Heart of Christianity and many other publications.
- Location:
- St John's Church, Princes Street, Edinburgh
- Speaker:
- Marcus Borg
Bishop Jack Spong UK Tour October 2009
Tuesday 20 October 2009
Eternal Life: A New Vision
Bishop Jack Spong, leading communicator of a new Christianity for a new age, speaks across Britain to the themes of his long-awaited book in October 2009.
- Location:
- Colchester, Sheffield, Edinburgh, Exeter, London
- Speaker:
- Bishop Jack Spong
Perfect Freedom: Liberal Faith Today & Tomorrow
Tuesday 14 July 2009
— Friday 17 July 2009
Annual Conference of the Modern Churchpeople’s Union at High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddesdon, Herts, UK
- Location:
- Speaker:
- Chaired by The Right Reverend John Saxbee
St Deiniol’s Weekend
Friday 15 May 2009
— Sunday 17 May 2009
PCN Britain’s ‘St Deiniol’s Weekend’ returns in May 2009 after a break.
- Location:
- 0
- Speaker:
- Jim Cotter
...The World to Come…?
Saturday 25 April 2009
St Marks Centre for Radical Christianity invites you to this spring conference which addresses some of the major threats which we face as global citizens. How can people of faith respond to the challenges posed by some of the root causes of conflict and insecurity in our contemporary society?
- Location:
- 246
- Speaker:
- Paul Rogers, Simon Barrow, Philip Austin, Claire Kumar
PCN Britain Day Conference - ‘Surrendering all our certainty’
Saturday 21 March 2009
PCN Britain is hosting a one-day conference on March 21 2009 11:00am (register from 10:30am) - 4:30pm at the Priory Rooms in Birmingham
- Location:
- 0
- Speaker:
- Jim Mein, Nicola Slee and Ian Lawton
Ian Lawton Tour
Thursday 12 March 2009
— Sunday 22 March 2009
Rev Ian Lawton, minister at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, Michigan, will be speaking in UK in March. His major subject will concern the nature of prayer for progressive Christians although each venue will arrange its own specific topic.
- Location:
- 0
- Speaker:
- Ian Lawton
Words and Music for Tomorrow’s Christian
Monday 23 February 2009
You’ve heard him on “Thought for the Day”
You’ve sung some of his many hymns
Come and hear him in person
- Location:
- 0
- Speaker:
- John Bell
PCN Britain AGM
Saturday 22 November 2008
St Agnes Church, North Reddish is delighted to welcome PCN for their AGM on 22nd November 2008, 12pm - 5pm.
- Location:
- 247
From Prayerbook to Personal Piety
Sunday 16 November 2008
The Lance Garrard Memorial Lecture to commemorate the bicentenary of the death of Theophilus Lindsey
- Location:
- 0
- Speaker:
- Professor Grayson Ditchfield
Don Cupitt - The Meaning of the West: A Radical Christian Interpretation
Saturday 1 November 2008
We welcome Don Cupitt, whose forthcoming latest book explores ideas of what western culture is and why it is so dominant in the modern world.
- Location:
- 179
- Speaker:
- Don Cupitt
Liberal Voices!
Wednesday 15 October 2008
Renewing Liberal Theology & Spirituality for the 21st Century
A major conference now (subject to final confirmation) at a southern venue: High Leigh, Hertfordshire (north of the M25).
- Location:
- 0
- Speaker:
- Brian Wren, Ian Bradley
An evening with Peterson Toscano
Wednesday 30 July 2008
Don’t Miss the FREE opportunity to see Peterson Toscano
‘A Theatrical Performance Activist exploring queer issues through comedy’
An Evening with Peterson Toscano hot from Greenbelt and the Edinburgh Fringe ...
- Location:
- 0
- Speaker:
- Peterson Toscano
Theology in the Dales - A Christology Course for the 21st Century
Saturday 26 July 2008
— Saturday 2 August 2008
A one-week course based in Askrigg, in the heart of the North Yorkshire Dales National Park focussing on new ways to study scripture and understand Jesus.
- Location:
- 0
- Speaker:
- Rev Ann Chapman, Rev Chris Davey
A Future for Liberal Christianity
Monday 14 July 2008
— Wednesday 16 July 2008
Ian Bradley and Peter Francis explore doctrine, worship and other issues from a liberal perspective and ask if liberal Christianity has had its day.
- Location:
- 0
- Speaker:
- Ian Bradley, Peter Francis
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