Events Archive

Progressive Christianity:  Eight Pointers

Adrian Alker on Jesus Shaped Church - Christian Shaped Lives

​This is a PCN day conference led by Adrian Alker who has been a trustee of PCN Britain for many years. Starting with a faith centred on the historical Jesus, he examins the emergence of a Church-shaped Christianity and looks forward to a Jesus-shaped church and its contribution to a Christian-shaped life.

Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 235 Shaftesbury Ave., London WC2H 8EP
Rev'd Adrian Alker, founder of the Centre for Radical Christianity at St Marks Sheffield

What is this Place?  Who are these People?

A week long gathering on Iona with the Wild Goose Resource Group & Friends.

John Bell, Jo Love and Graham Maule

By Whose Authority?

An interfaith look at women and religious authority. This is the annual conference of Modern Church, formerly the Modern Churchpeople’s Union. The event takes place over four day’s and is open to all.

High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, EN11 8SG
Revd Dr Harriet Harris, Conference Chair, plus 14 more speakers

St Mark’s CRC Library Evening - Mindfulness and Compassion in the Workplace

“MINDFULNESS AND COMPASSION IN THE WORKPLACE” John Darwin is a Visiting Fellow at Sheffield Business School. After careers in community work, local government and university, he is now practicing and teaching mindfulness at Sheffield Hallam University and elsewhere. He is particularly interested in the value of mindfulness for people working in organisations, and will argue that this needs to be integrated with a compassionate approach. Although originating in Buddhist philosophy, this integration is relevant to everyone.

St Mark's Church, Broomhill, Sheffield, S10 2SG
Dr. John Darwin, Visiting Fellow at Sheffield Business School

Christianity? Don’t make me laugh

This is an introduction to progressive Christianity through the words of Bishop John Spong. “Bishop Spong presents the case for progressive Christianity with simplicity and with” (Ian Gregory). The afternoon begins with lunch at 12.30 and this is followed by a screening of Spong’s DVD called “Christianity for the non-religious” along with subsequent discussion. All are welcome. Click through for more details.

PICL Palace, 14a King Street, Newcastle under Lyme.
Bishop John Spong (on DVD)

Relating to the Other: A New Vision for Religious Pluralism

St Marks Centre for Radical Christianity is delighted to welcome Tariq Ramadan, Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies at Oxford University to St Mark’s Church, Broomhill for its Spring Conference.

St Marks Centre for Radical Christianity, Sheffield
Tariq Ramadan

How can progressive Christian communities be people of The Way?

This is PCN Britain’s spring gathering and AGM. Most of the day will be spent interacting with Chris Howson, a mission priest based in Bradford, who will lead two sessions on being a Christian community in the 21st Century. Both members and non-members are welcome.

St Columba's URC, Priory Street, York, YO1 6EX
Chris Howson of Bradford SoulSpace

PCN Residential Weekend with Mark Townsend

Mark is a member of PCN Britain. He is a controversial clergyman and ‘soulful magician’. His book, the Gospel of Falling Down is brutally honest, letting people into the secret areas of his life, with all its faults and failings. The lessons are authentic, learnt by someone who knows how harsh life can be, and yet also how magical life can become.

The Hayes, Swanwick, Derbyshire, DE55 1AU
Mark Townsend, author of the Gospel of Falling Down

The Great Marriage Debate

On Monday 30th April 2012, Gunnersbury Baptist Church in Chiswick are hosting an exciting live public debate on a very current topic. ‘The Great Marriage Debate’ will ask the question ‘Should marriage be redefined to include same sex couples?’ as proposed by the Coalition Government.

Gunnersbury Baptist Church in Chiswick
Adrian Trett, Rev. David Robertson

A Celtic celebration of the Beginning of Summer

The PCN group based at Potterspury organises regular fifth Sunday afternnon services at St Nicholas. This one celebrates the traditional Celtic festival, Bealtaine, marking the start of summer.

St Nicholas Church, Pottersbury, Northants

Beyond our Wildest Imagining - Making Real the Love of God

This is the annual conference of Free to Beleive. Speakers will include the Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson, and the Rev. Dr. David Peel. Join us for these inspiring talks amid an open and progressive fellowship.

High Leigh, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire EN11 8SG
Bishop of New Hampshire the Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson, the Rev. Dr. David Peel

Matthew Fox - The Marriage of the Sacred Masculine with the Divine Feminine - Piccadilly, London

You are invited to join us this evening for an exploration of the sacred masculine and divine feminine. How can we invite this sacred marriage into our own lives and into the world at large.

St James’s Church, Piccadilly, London
Matthew Fox

Matthew Fox - Our Emergence into Christ Consciousness - Findhorn, NE Scotland

A rare chance to hear Matthew Fox, the celebrated theologian and activist, in an open-to-the-public evening (part of the Into Christ Consciousness conference.

Universal Hall, Findhorn, NE Scotland
Matthew Fox

Matthew Fox - Crucifixion and Resurrection - North Reddish, Manchester

In the modern age we have developed knowledge, but at the expense of wisdom. The result has been ecological disaster and destitution, with a loss of meaning and shared values in our lives. We need our spirituality to bring wisdom back to us and to refresh our yearning hearts. Matthew Fox will explore how we can awaken to our divine origins so as to become transformative agents of healing and wholeness in the 21st Century.

St Agnes Church, St Agnes Street, North Reddish, Stockport SK5 6RA
Matthew Fox

Re-visioning Easter within the Earth Story

You are invited to join us from 5-8th April, 2012 at West Downs Campus for: Re-visioning Easter within the Earth Story. Fr Diarmuid O’Murchu who is an Honorary Fellow of the Institute and leading thinker in the area of quantum theology and spirituality and Prof Lisa Isherwood will be leading an Easter Reflection in the Cosmic Walk at the University. They aim to enable us to think again about the events of the Easter story in the light of the Earth Story and unfolding cosmology.

Institute for Theological Partnerships, University of Winchester
Fr Diarmuid O’Murchu and Prof Lisa Isherwood

Matthew Fox - Mystics: Pioneers of Consciousness

Mystics: Pioneers of Consciousness. What Hildegard, Eckhart and Aquinas can teach us about the mystical prophetic path to higher consciousness and becoming spiritual warriors.

The Window, 13 Windsor St, London, N1 8QG
Matthew Fox

Matthew Fox - Workshop in Norwich

Mangreen Trust invites you to ‘A Spirituality for the 21st Century’

Mangreen Trust, Nr Swardeston, Norwich, Norfolk NR14 8DD
Matthew Fox

New Approaches to Worship

Enjoy a challenging day of talks and workshops with Revd Dr Janet Wootton.

Castle Street Community Centre, Kendal, LA9 7AA
Revd Dr Janet Wootton

The Church in a Changing Culture

Part of the Thinking Allowed series of lectures organised by Cairns Church, Milngavie, Glasgow. Taking as its starting point the contemporary scene where the churches are frequently perceived to be “out of touch with the real world”, the lecture will explore the engagement of the Church with various cultures and subcultures.

Cairns Church, Buchanan Street, Milngavie, Glasgow G62 8AW
David G. Hamilton

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