Events Archive

Regular Meeting

Discussion of First Light: Jesus and the Kingdom of God, session two - The Advent of the Messiah

All Saints Methodist Church, Appleford Drive, Abingdon

Last chapter of Richard Holloway’s ‘Between the monster and the saint’ entitled ‘Saint’


There will be no meeting in December.


Science and Christianity

A discussion about the relationship between science and religion, especially looking at recent trends in physics.

Heaton Moor

Brian McLaren speaks on A New Kind of Christianity

This weekday evening meeting at St Paul’s cathedral explores the reality of belief and the nature of Christianity. There will be plenty of time for questions from the audience

St Paul's cathedral
Brian Mclaren

Carols for Today

One of the members of the group will introduce a selection of carols by 21st century poets and hymn-writers. We shall look at them from a progressive point of view and consider what impact they might make on today's largely secular society.

William Jay Room, Central URC Church Halls, Grove Street, Bath, BA1 3RA
Mary Hulme will lead

Who was Jesus?

The subject was to have followed on the from the session last time that Brian led on the theme 'Who was Jesus?' Jan had offered to try to take us further. We were to refer also to the imminent vote on Women Bishops in the Church of England Synod but Rob unfortunately has enough on his plate at the moment to lead us. However, the agenda is amended because we may not have access to the 'Jesus' DVD that we were going to continue from last time.

159, Russell Road, Moseley B13 8RR

Living the Questions Session 17 Wednesday Group

Session 17 of Living the Questions: Incarnation: Divinely Human

Contact Lisa for Details

Dave Tomlinson speaks on How to be a Bad Christian and a Better Human Being

This visit to Harrogate by Dave Tomlinson has been organised by the Harrogate (evening and afternoon) groups and the Leeds group in the PCN Britain network. Dave will be talking about the issues that lie behind his latest book, which has the same title as this talk. There will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions.

Wesley Chapel, Oxford Street, Harrogate
Dave Tomlinson, vicar of St Lukes, Holloway

Jim Kenney - Non-stop Turmoil or Global Spring?

A chance for people of different religions and philosophies who want to explore progressive themes and shape the future led by Jim Kenney, visionary and big picture thinker.

St. Philip’s Church Leicester LE2 1HN
Jim Kenney is Founder and Director of Common Ground

Ritual for Radicals: Does Progressive Christianity need Ritual?

St Marks Centre for Radical Christianity is delighted to welcome Douglas Davies, Professor in the Study of Religion, University of Durham to St Mark’s Church, Broomhill for its Autumn Conference

St Marks CRC, Broomhill, Sheffield S10 2SG,
Douglas Davies, Professor in the Study of Religion, University of Durham

Thursday meeting

Studying First Light DVD. Chapter 2 The Advent of the Messiah.

Market Lavington
Rev Allison Morley

Jim Kenney - Non-stop Turmoil or Global Spring?

​A chance for people of different religions and philosophies who want to explore progressive themes and shape the future led by Jim Kenney, visionary and big picture thinker.

St. Margaret’s Church, Lee south London SE13 5EA
Jim Kenney

Eclipsing Empire: Paul, Rome and the Kingdom of God, Pt. 1

William Jay Room, Central URC Church Halls, Grove Street, Bath, BA1 3RA
Sheena Carter will lead

Sex and the Spirit: Uncovering the past and re-imagining the future

On five Sunday evenings during the autumn term, Rev Carla Grosch-Miller will lead a version of her short course on the theology of sexuality (taught at the Cambridge Theological Federation, Cuddesdon-Ripon College and the Oxford Ministry Course). We will meet in the Church Hall of St Columba’s, Oxford United Reformed Church (Alfred St) on the dates specified below from 6-8pm; pizza will be provided.

St Columba’s, Oxford United Reformed Church (Alfred St)

How to be a bad Christian and a better Human Being

​A discussion with Dave Tomlinson about his new book ‘How to be a bad Christian and a better Human Being’ organised partly by Tonbridge Wells Radical Pilgrims, a PCN affiliated group.

St James' Church, Tunbridge Wells
Dave Tomlinson

The Church as it Could Be - For Goodness’ Sake

​Revd Adrian Alker, Director of Mission Resourcing in the Diocese of Ripon and Leeds; and a member of the management committee of the Progressive Christianity Network Britain

Saturday 20th October 2012, 10.00am-4.00pm, at Carrs Lane Church Centre. (This is instead of individual lectures) Tickets £15 from the church office.

Carrs Lane Church Centre, Birmingham, B4 7SX
Revd Adrian Alker

How to be a bad Christian…...

In conjunction with Sanctus1 and Ben Edson, we are supporting the visit of Dave Tomlinson to Manchester to publicise his new book.

Nexus Art cafe, Dale St, Manchester
Dave Tomlinson

Is religion good for social cohesion?

After the summer riots of 2001 and the terrorist bombings in New York (2001) and London (2005) Alan was asked by the Home Office to research the attitudes of 15 year olds towards those of other cultures and faiths in selected northern towns (Burnley, Blackburn and Sheffield). This led him to try to make some assessment of the different contribution that religion makes to society and he published God and Community Cohesion in 2009. In this talk he will explain the findings of the research and draw some conclusions about the role of religion and faith groups.

St Marks CRC, 4 St. Mark's Crescent, Sheffield, S10 2SG
Canon Dr Alan Billings

A Celtic Harvest

PCN’s Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire group offers every fifth Sunday afternoon service at St Nicholas’ Church in Pottersbury, when alternative/progressive liturgies are used. These services generally follow the Celtic tradition and turn of the year.

St Nicholas Church Pottersbury, Northants NN12 7PU
Rev Alison Morley

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