Faith in Conflict
Tuesday 26 February 2013
— Thursday 28 February 2013
Finding better ways to handle conflict in the Church
An ecumenical conference at Coventry Cathedral
- Location:
- Coventry Cathedral
- Speaker:
- Rev'd Dr Jo Bailey Wells, Rev'd Dr Sam Wells
Sinful thoughts! Is ‘sin’ an outdated concept?
Monday 25 February 2013
The group will explore this intriguing question in the light of Biblical teaching and present day attitudes.
- Location:
- William Jay Room, Central URC Church Halls, Grove Street, Bath, BA1 3RA
- Speaker:
- Edward Hulme
Is the World Dying of Terminal Religion?
Monday 25 February 2013
- Location:
- Albrighton, St Mary's Church Centre
- Speaker:
- Alan Felts-Davies
Third Thursdays: Einstein’s God #4
Thursday 21 February 2013
Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind. Albert Einstein
- Location:
- St Columba’s, Oxford United Reformed Church (Alfred St.)
February meeting. ‘Out of a Dark wood- God, Dante and us’
Thursday 21 February 2013
Tim Brooke and Pam Siver had planned to lead this together before she died last November. In this meeting we will particularly remember Pam who was one of the original members of PCN and Rugby Interfaith Fellowship with whom this is a joint meeting.
- Location:
- Albert room, United Reformed church, Rugby, CV22 5AD
- Speaker:
- Tim Brooke
Spiritual Practices
Friday 15 February 2013
- Location:
- Graces in Wash Common
Power and Fear
Monday 11 February 2013
We explore the inter-relationship between power and fear.
‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us’. (Marianne Williamson)
All are welcome from 12.50 onwards for informal chat before the start of the meeting.
- Location:
- Dundee University Chaplaincy, Building number 31 on city campus map
- Speaker:
- Professor Annalu Waller
Women and the Church
Thursday 7 February 2013
A discussion of current issues surrounding women and the Church led by Ruth Tetlow, Liz Blakey and Jan Waterson
- Location:
- 12 Woodrough Drive, Moseley, Birmingham B13 9EP
Living the Questions Group meeting
Tuesday 5 February 2013
We shall be viewing the third session of 'First Light- Jesus and the Kingdom of God' entitled God's Great Clean Up. Following the DVD material we shall be discussing the issues that emerge. All are welcome, those who have not been to previous sessions are asked to contact Cliff to obtain the associated reading materials for this session.
- Location:
- All Saints Methodist Church, Appleford Drive, Abingdon
February Group Meeting
Saturday 2 February 2013
We shall be looking at the responses that were made to the book 'Honest to God' , - there were many both positive and negative . Frank Godfrey will again prepare material on this, but what will also be important are the Group responses – was he right? Inspired? Mistaken? Helpful? And of course, being 50 years on, was he radical enough ?
Last time we were considering the background to writing the book and John’s concern over the issues of Secularisation, Demythologising and the” Reluctant Revolution “ which he knew were challenging traditional Christian theology.
We shall look at the letters he received, material from some of the many scholarly reviews which his book prompted and focus on some of the key issues debated
Wrong? Not radical enough? Unnecessary? Prophetic?
- Location:
- Christchurch, Abbeydale, Gloucester
Eclipsing Empire: Paul, Rome and the Kingdom of God (DVD) - Paul’s missions and character
Monday 28 January 2013
We shall be viewing and discussing chapters 3 and 4 of the DVD by Borg and Crossan of the pilgrimage they led to Turkey in 2006. It consists partly of a video of the sites they visited and partly of talks by one or other of them. This month we shall be looking at the missions Paul led and his character.
- Location:
- William Jay Room, Central URC Church Halls, Grove Street, Bath, BA1 3RA
- Speaker:
- Mary Ede will lead
Whose words are they anyway?
Monday 28 January 2013
Why do we use the words we do to describe ‘faith’ (or in worship)? We ask the question, ‘are the traditional expressions meaningful to us today’? What would we want to put in their place? We shall look at some recent attempts at saying/doing things differently.
All are welcome from 12.50 onwards for informal chat before the start of meetings.
- Location:
- Dundee University Chaplaincy, Building 31 on City Campus map
- Speaker:
- Angela Smith
January meeting
Wednesday 23 January 2013
Meditation evening - one of our members will lead an evening exploring how we might use meditation to further spiritual awareness.
- Location:
- Heaton Moor
A seasonal social lunch
Saturday 19 January 2013
A seasonal social lunch hosted by the North Worcestershire group, to which we and the East Shropshire group have been invited.
- Location:
- 11 Rectory Road, Oldswinford, Stourbridge DY8 2HA
Third Thursdays: Einstein’s God #3
Thursday 17 January 2013
Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind. Albert Einstein
- Location:
- St Columba’s, Oxford United Reformed Church (Alfred St.)
The Wisdom Jesus by Cynthia Bourgeault
Wednesday 16 January 2013
Assuming that you can make it here through the cold dark January evenings, our next meeting will be looking at this book.
- Location:
- 18 Keble Road Maidenhead SL6 6BA
Evil Spirits in the bible and now?
Friday 11 January 2013
- Location:
- at Irene
Poetry Night
Sunday 6 January 2013
- Location:
- 14 Spencers Holt, Harrogate, HG1 3DL
- Speaker:
- 3 members are each bringing a poem to discuss
January Group Meeting
Saturday 5 January 2013
Frank Godfrey will be introducing John Robinson’s book “Honest to God” which caused such a stir fifty years ago.“
Whether it will cause as much a stir on its fiftieth birthday remains to be seen!!
- Location:
- Christchurch, Abbeydale, Gloucester
Christmas meal
Thursday 13 December 2012
This is booked with the local charity Crackerteria and we wait for details of menu and venue, but names can be given to Nicola now if you wish to come.
- Location:
- To be anounced
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