Events Archive

The Saving Jesus Seminar: the search for the historical Jesus

An exploration of the aims and objectives of the Jesus Seminar, and an examination of the methods they use to try and get closer to the historical Jesus.

William Jay Room, Central URC Church Halls, Grove Street, Bath, BA1 3RA
Sheena Carter will lead

Celebrating a 21st Century Faith’

A day to explore and share how progressive churches express Christian faith ‘on the ground’.

Lumen URC 88 Tavistock Place, London, WC1H 9RS (close to Kings Cross and St Pancras stations)
Representatives from progressive churches around England

Third Thursdays: Einstein’s God #6

Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind. Albert Einstein

St Columba’s, Oxford United Reformed Church (Alfred St.)

Liturgy in the Church

Last time we discussed 'Women and the Church'. This next meeting is about 'Liturgy in the Church' which we often find difficult to take. Please would you send in any pieces of liturgy that you think are progressive and more suitable (to us) than some worship events we attend. Especially, do make up your own and send that in, even as a last resort!

12 Woodrough Drive, Moseley, Birmingham B13 9EP

‘Examining the Meaning of the Resurrection’

We will continue to read and reflect on the Together in Hope booklet 'Examining the Meaning of the Resurrection' chapters 3&4. This booklet uses the essays of John Shelby Spong.

URC Hillmorton Road Rugby
Facilitated by committee member

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Bruce Kent, former Chair of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), past Chair of ‘War on Want’ and veteran peace activist, begins a national ‘Scrap Trident Tour’ in April amidst news that the Government plans to spend £100 billion on a Trident replacement, while continuing to implement economic cuts.

St Philip’s Church Hall, Evington Road, Leicester, LE2 1HN
Bruce Kent

Christian Beginnings by Geza Vermes

Regular discussion. First chapters of the book.

Is decided, but please ask.

St Mark’s CRC Library Evening - Jesus for everyone?

Dr Mark Finney: JESUS FOR EVERYONE? The Western search for the elusive Nazarene

St Mark's Church, Broomhill, Sheffield, S10 2SG
Dr Mark Finney

Faith - as Belief / Trust

Discussion lead by Howard

Ann-Marie in Pangbourne

Eclipsing Empire: Paul, Rome and the Kingdom of God (DVD) - further explorations of the life and work of Paul

We shall be viewing and discussing chapters 5 and 6 of the DVD by Borg and Crossan of the pilgrimage they led to Turkey in 2006. It consists partly of a video of the sites they visited and partly of talks by one or other of them. This month we shall be looking at Paul's vocation and the cities he visited.

William Jay Room, Central URC Church Halls, Grove Street, Bath, BA1 3RA

Saving Jesus from the Cross…

Crucifixion was a form of state torture. It was not meant to kill quickly. Its purpose was to degrade and humiliate a person utterly, to reduce them to a non-person. Yet, in many Christian traditions, the cross is regarded as salvific and is glorified; ‘in the cross of Christ I glory’. Can we reconcile the cross with a God of peace and unconditional love? Are there progressive understandings of the cross? What does or can the cross mean for us today? We will explore this topic further with the help of some clips from the film 'Chocolat'. All are welcome from 12.55 onwards for informal chat before the start of the meeting.

Dundee University Chaplaincy, Building number 31 on city campus map
Angela Smith

March meeting- Examining the Meaning of the Resurrection

We will use the Together in Hope book 'Examining the Meaning of the Resurrection' which amalgamates the essays by Bishop John Shelby Spong. We anticipate this will take us over several meetings. It will be helpful if you could contact Nicola about ordering a book approx cost £3-00. It is envisaged that we might explore two chapters per month.

Albert room, United Reformed Church, Rugby
Facilitated by committee member

Third Thursdays: Einstein’s God #5

Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind. Albert Einstein

St Columba’s, Oxford United Reformed Church (Alfred St.)

An Evening with Honest to God

The book by Bishop John Robinson that caused furore in 1963 is celebrating its 50th birthday this year. The bishop knew it would be heavily criticised but thought in time it would seem not radical enough. Was he right?

Christchurch, Abbeydale, Gloucester GL4 5EQ
Frank Godfrey (pictured)


Eileen in Newbury

The revival of Paganisms: Anthropology-inspired religions

Chris has taught at York St John since 1988 and as head of year he oversees the progress of around 200 students. He has edited two books: Documents of the Christian Church (OUP, 1999 and 2011) and Origins of the Cult of the Virgin Mary (Continuum, 2008). His main research area over the last few years - starting with a PhD at the University of Leeds in 1991 - has been popular Catholicism, in particular the apparitions and shrines of Mary; and he has had published articles in this area and on Mary in the New Testament. He has recently started to write novels: Calling was published in 2010 and reflects his interest in apparitions of Mary but also in new and popular forms of spirituality, such as the revived interest in Paganism and Goddess Worship. It promises to be a very interesting evening.

Wesley Chapel
Dr Chris Maunder

Abingdon ‘Living the Questions’ Discussion Group Monthly Meeting

This monthly meeting of the 'Living the Questions' Discussion Group will feature the fifth session from 'First Light - Jesus and the Kingdom of God' entitled 'The Lake as the World'. (Note the change of venue)

Contact Cliff Marshall for venue information

The Stories We Tell

It is claimed that there are only a handful of 'basic stories' in the world! From ancient myths and folk tales, to plays and novels of great literature, to the popular movies and TV soap operas of today, there are said to be around only seven archetypal themes that recur within every kind of story telling. We’ll look at some clips from popular movies to see just how true this is! All are welcome from 12.50 onwards for informal chat before the start of the meeting.

Dundee University Chaplaincy, Building number 31 on city campus map
Angela Smith

Studying The Collage of God by Mark Oakley

The Collage of God - Mark Oakley Reality is not neatly mirrored in the recitation of any creed. Faith is more like a collage than a tidy system, slowly pieced together from a sprawling mixture of sources: ancient texts and contemporary experiences, prayer and poetry, silence and imagination.

14 Spencers Holt, Harrogate, HG1 3DL
Discussion group led by Paul Onslow

February group meeting

Continuing our study of Marcus Borg's "Speaking Christian" we shall look at chapters 7 and 8 on Jesus and the significance of his death.

Heaton Moor

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