Events Archive

Finding out about Northern Lights Metropolitan Community Church

Brunswick Methodist Church, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7BJ
Guests from NLMCC

How to change the world

In 1971 a small group of activists set sail from Vancouver in an old fishing boat. Their mission was to stop Nixon's atomic bomb tests in Amchitka, a tiny island off the west coast of Alaska. It was from these humble but brave beginnings that Greenpeace was born. Chronicling the untold story behind the modern environmental movement and with access to dramatic footage that has not been seen for over 40 years, the film tells the gripping story of eco-hero Robert Hunter and his part in the creation of what we now know as the global organisation that is Greenpeace. Alongside a group of like-minded and idealistic young friends in the 70s, Hunter would be instrumental in altering the way we now look at the world and our place within it. These campaigning pioneers captured their daring and sometimes jaw-dropping actions on a range of film cameras and Greenpeace granted acclaimed director Jerry Rothwell access to this vivid archive to make his thrilling, sometimes terrifying film.

Tavistock United Reformed Church

Thinking about being progressive with Dave Tomlinson

We shall be discussing what being a progressive Christian means with Dave Tomlinson

This will be a Zoom Meeting, please contact the convenor by email if you wish to come

The F-Word Exhibition

An inspiring 12-panel exhibition at Reading Minster by The Forgiveness Project

Reading Minster
Albie Sachs
Reading Minster/The Forgiveness Project

Etty Hillesum: a Holocaust testimony of love and hope in a suffering world for our own times

Tickets are now available for an evening talk by Rowan Williams and Klaas Smelik exploring the importance of Etty Hillesum, the Dutch-Jewish writer murdered in the Holocaust in 1943.

Canterbury Cathedral Lodge, Clagett Auditorium, The Precincts, Canterbury, CT1 2EH
Rowan Williams, Klaas Smelik
The Poetry Practice Ltd

‘Thoughts on the Five Commandments of Jesus’

Papers in preparation for the meeting are available from

Gerald Drewett

Lenten reflections

Members will share what Lent means to them with accompanying film clips to provoke discussion.

49 Milton Crescent Tavistock
the members

group meeting

Progressive hymns? We will explore some hymns and songs to see whether they are helpful

Heaton Moor united church

Faith and Frontiers - Christian Responses to the Migration Crisis

This conference has been rescheduled and was originally to be held in September 2022

This conference will explore the challenges to policy and practice that arise when people cross borders to seek sanctuary. Specifically, it addresses the question of what the Christian response to those who seek care and shelter in our country should be, and asks what insights can be derived from the life and work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Ulrich Schmiedel, Keith Clements
Project Bonhoeffer

"The Fourth Gospel: Tales of a Jewish Mystic"

Trinity URC, St Albans
Discussing aspects of Jack Spong's book on John's Gospel

What is it like to be a refugee?

Brunswick Methodist Church, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7BJ
Guest speaker Md Mominul Hamid

Human Rights for an Occupied People

Rev. Fadi Diab, the rector of St Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Ramallah, reflects on his first-hand experiences following the killing of Shireen Abu Aqla and the raid on his church by the Israeli military.

Fr. Diab is also Chief Justice, Episcopal Ecclesiastical Court, Jerusalem, and Diocesan Secretary, Episcopal Church of Jerusalem and the Middle East.

Rev. Dr. Fadi Diab, Rector of St Andrew's Episcopal Church, Ramallah, Palestine

TAA Feb 2023 - Assisted Dying

Hello Thinkers! It's second Sunday (12 Feb) and so time for Thinking Aloud Allowed again. This month we welcome the Rev Kathleen Richardson to lead our thinking and her topic is Assisted Dying.

Online Zoom
The Rev Kathleen Richardson

Is Britain Still a Christian Country? (and why few people like the answer)

Join renowned speaker, author and academic Professor Linda Woodhead MBE (“one of the world’s leading experts on religion”) to explore whether Britain is still a Christian country.

Linda Woodhead
PCN Britain

Do We Still Need the Devil? Professor Darren Oldridge

Darren Oldridge is Professor of Early Modern History at the University of Worcester. He is a specialist in sixteenth and seventeenth-century religious history. In this talk, Darren will draw on his ongoing work on Tudor and Stuart demonology, and relate this to contemporary concerns.

Friends Meeting House, 1 Orchard Road, Malvern, WR14 3DA
Professor Darren Oldridge

Taking Progressive Christianity Forward - What does the 2021 census tell us?

The results from the 2021 census relating to responses about religious affiliation make sobering reading for Christian churches. We shall discuss our reaction to these findings and how these reactions might be affected by the latest decision by the Anglican Church in England regarding same-sex marriage and its celebration.

This will be a Zoom Meeting, please contact the convenor by email if you wish to come.

Introduction to Deep Abiding Prayer

Learn about the roots of this heart- and Spirit- centred form of healing prayer within the Biblical and contemplative Christian traditions.

Petra Griffiths
A Living Spirituality Connections event in partnership with St James’s Church Piccadilly.

What is peace?

At the November meeting, attendees requested that we look at the issue of "What is Peace?".

If anyone who is coming would like to suggest a film clip or any other resource to share in stimulating the theme, please let Mike Dennis know so he can arrange for the item to be available for viewing. All contributions of comments/ observations/sharing will be welcome as we explore what is a significant issue for the church and the world.

49 Milton Crescent Tavistock

Woman Wisdom and Christian Ecological Living - Revd Dr Robin Parry

This session aims to sketch a Christian approach to creation drawing on the insights offered by the ancient biblical character of Woman Wisdom (Prov 8:22–31), who is the very Wisdom of God.

This meeting will also be broadcast via zoom

Friends Meeting House, 1 Orchard Road, Malvern, WR14 3DA
Revd Dr Robin Parry

'Permission to doubt' using Brian McLaren's book 'Faith after doubt'

Brunswick Methodist Church, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7BJ
Discussion led by Joyce

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