Events Archive

Sunday Living the Questions at St Martin in the Fields

Did Jesus have to die to save the world? Should we as Christians differentiate between the roles of women and men? How should Christian citizens react to violence, to the authority of state, to foreigners and to those of different faiths? What moral framework should we live by?

Austen Williams Room, 6 St Martin’s Place, London

PCN Retreat 2013

This year’s retreat will focus on the possibility of ‘progressive worship’. We anticipate an informal weekend in which attendees are free to express what progressive worship would ideally mean for them. We will explore worship forms which lend themselves to being open and inclusive.

Glenfall House, nr Cheltenham GL54 4EP
Sessions led by a variety of PCN people

Abingdon ‘Living the Questions’ Discussion Group Monthly Meeting

This will be the eighth discussion session in our series following the DVD-based resource First Light - Jesus and the Kingdom of God. 'Substitutionary Atonement ' is the topic for discussion. The sessions stand alone and do not require attendance at previous meetings for the discussion to be meaningful.

St Michael's Church Room, Park Road Abingdon, OX14 1DB

Honest to God

With one eye on our November Conference "Being Honest to God....." we're going to look over John Robinson's book "Honest to God" and what it means to us.

14 Spencers Holt, Harrogate, HG1 3DL
various Leaders

Worship Workshop

June 1st. Eric Massey will be with us and lead a workshop on what we would want to see in PCN worship

Christchurch Abbeydale
Eric Massey

Monthly Meetings - last Friday of each month - “The Market as God”

Our May meeting will be a report from a recent talk at Norwich Cathedral by Harvey Cox, author of the well-known book "The Secular City". His topic is "The Market as God", a look at religion and economics. We would welcome any visitors.

Common Room, Felbrigg Green, Norwich

May group meeting

Two part meeting - to discuss and plan the autumn programme, and look at chapter 10 of Marcus Borg's "Speaking Christian" - subject Belief and Faith.

Heaton Moor United church

The Case for Legalising Drugs

The case for legalising drugs - presented by Dorothy Haughton.

Albrighton, St Mary's Church Centre
Dorothy Haughton

Regular meeting

Examining the Meaning of the Resurrection part three. We will read the last two chapters of the Together in Hope booklet based on the essays of Bishop John Shelby Spong.

The Albert Room, URC Hillmorton Road, Rugby CV22 5AD
Facilitated by committee member

Third Thursdays: Einstein’s God #7

Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind. Albert Einstein

St Columba’s, Oxford United Reformed Church (Alfred St.)

Richard Holloway speaks in Windermere

Richard Holloway will be speaking about “Faith and Doubt”

Carver United Reformed Church, Windermere
Richard Holloway

General Discussion on Progressive Christianity

We shall consider what we would like to do in the next few meetings and exchange recent experiences of progressive Christianity. Update on forthcoming PCN events both locally and nationally.

Dundee University Chaplaincy, Building 31 on City Campus map

Christian Beginnings: Why Jesus didn’t die out

St Mark’s Centre for Radical Christianity is delighted to announce that Gerd Lüdemann, a distinguished scholar of the New Testament and early Christian origins with an international reputation, has agreed to address this vitally important topic.

St Marks Church, Broomhill, Sheffield
Gerd Lüdemann

Faith II - as seen in the New Testament

Discussion lead by Robin

Olive in Newbury

Abingdon ‘Living the Questions’ Discussion Group Monthly Meeting

This will be the seventh discussion session in our series following the DVD-based resource First Light - Jesus and the Kingdom of God. This session will focus on the notion of 'Jesus as Lord'. The sessions stand alone and do not require attendance at previous meetings for the discussion to be meaningful.

All Saints Methodist Church, Appleford Drive, Abingdon OX14 2AQ

The Collage of God by Mark Oakley - Final Chapters

Various Leaders to finish the book off. Each leader will summarise their chapter for 5 minutes and after 20 minutes we'll move onto the next. Liz will do Truthfulness; Martin Praying; Philip Service; Jenny Laughing; Adrian & Christine Poetry

14 Spencers Holt, Harrogate, HG1 3DL
Various Leaders

“The Dysfunctional family”

Andy Vivian will introduce a recent book “The Dysfunctional family” about the three monotheistic faiths Judaism , Christianity and Islam that are so closely related in their origins.

Christchurch Abbeydale
Andy Vivian

Regular meeting

Regular meeting every Thursday at 7.30. Usually at St James' Devizes


‘Baby or Bathwater’: Should Progressive Christians throw out all church traditions?

St Mary's Church, Albrightton
Geoff Cashmore

April group meeting

Paul will speak on the problems many face with the traditional Creeds of the Christian church - with time for discussion after.

Heaton Moor
Paul Onslow - PCN committee member

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