Countering Pharaoh’s Production-Consumer Society To-day
Monday 27 January 2014
We plan to watch a short session on DVD of Walter Brueggemann speaking about the parallels between the journey undertaken by the Israelites from slavery to freedom and our own journey of faith in present times. Brueggemann is an Old Testament scholar and retired professor of Columbia Theological Seminary. He has written more than 50 books, including The Prophetic Imagination, the Bible Makes Sense, and Truth Speaks to Power.... After the DVD, we intend to spend the rest of the time in discussion.
- Location:
- Room 2, Cluny Centre, Braid Road,Edinburgh
January group meeting
Wednesday 22 January 2014
Discussion on the 8 Points which identify the basis of PCN Britain. These have been in place for a number of years, and it is proposed that changes may be needed, especially when comparing the similar document published by the American progressive network.
- Location:
- Heaton Moor United church
Living the Questions
Tuesday 14 January 2014
We have decided to start our life together by studying the Living the Questions DVD study series which features Bishop Jack Spong, Marcus Borg, Dominic Crossan and many other progressive writers.
- Location:
- Please ring Jane Westland for venue
The Saltaire and the Cross
Monday 13 January 2014
— Friday 17 January 2014
Scottish Church Theology Society THE SALTIRE AND THE CROSS - Church, State and National Identity
- Location:
- Crieff Hydro
- Speaker:
- Prof. Ted Cowan, Most Revd Dr Mario Conti, Rt Hon. Alex Salmond MSP, Dr Doug Gay, Prof. Will Storrar, Dr Alison Elliott
Eight points Review discussion
Friday 10 January 2014
- Location:
- at Eileen's
Christmas: Ancient Meanings, Modern Faith
Thursday 9 January 2014
To finish discussing the Together in Hope book on the meaning of Christmas.
- Location:
- URC Hillmorton Rd, Rugby ( Albert Room)
- Speaker:
- Facilitated by committee member
PCN Britain’s Eight Points
Tuesday 7 January 2014
This regular meeting of the group will focus on PCN Britain's Eight Points
- Location:
- All Saints Methodist Church, Abingdon, OX14 2AQ
Topic to be decided
Wednesday 18 December 2013
- Location:
- 18 Keble Road Maidenhead SL6 6BA
“ The importance of Christmas , its story and how we tell it!.’’
Saturday 7 December 2013
December 7th is our next meeting “The importance of Christmas , its story and how we tell it'' and we will have ''
- Location:
- Christchurch Abbeydale Gloucester
- Speaker:
- Eric Massey
Borg’s book: Reading the Bible again for the first time, Ch 3+4
Friday 6 December 2013
- Location:
- at the Graces
A Jesus Shaped Church
Tuesday 3 December 2013
A discussion meeting examining what a prophetic and inclusive Jesus shaped Church might be like.
- Location:
- St Michael's Church Room, Park Road, Abingdon, OX14 1DB
To be arranged
Monday 2 December 2013
HOLY CITY: ‘Earthy Bodies’
Sunday 1 December 2013
Third instalment of Holy City’s 2013 programme, ‘BODY… flesh and bones and earthy faith’
Tonight - ‘Earthy Bodies’ - reflects on the vulnerability and fragility of life, both old and arriving, embodied and expectant, trusting and hoping in a new start… and a recovered Nativity.
- Location:
- Renfield St Stephen's Centre, 260 Bath Street, Glasgow
‘Oh, The Troubles Of Job’
Friday 29 November 2013
— Saturday 30 November 2013
Holy City’s 2013 urban retreat with Pádraig Ó Tuama.
‘Oh, The Troubles Of Job’
7.00-9.30pm (Fri) & 9.30am-5.00pm (Sat)
Unitarian Centre, 72 Berkeley Street, Glasgow G3 7DS
- Location:
- Unitarian Centre, 72 Berkeley Street, Glasgow G3 7DS
- Speaker:
- Pádraig Ó Tuama
Monthly meeting for November - Honest to God 50 yrs on.
Wednesday 27 November 2013
We shall look at the impact and legacy of the influential and pioneering book by John Robinson, former Bishop of Woolwich.
- Location:
- Heaton Moor United church
‘What lies beyond progressive Christianity?’
Monday 25 November 2013
Please note change of location for this event. Members and invited guests only. Registration is essential. Contact Mary McMahon:
- Location:
- Christ Church Centre, Holy Corner, Edinburgh
- Speaker:
- Richard Holloway
November Meeting - Being Honest to God
Sunday 24 November 2013
Reporting back on the PCN/Modern Church conference at Swanwick. To be followed by discussion.
- Location:
- 15 Chater House
- Speaker:
- Jill and Paul
Haphazard by Starlight
Sunday 24 November 2013
Seminar and Library Evening: ‘Haphazard by Starlight’
- Location:
- St Mark’s, Broomhill, Sheffield
- Speaker:
- Janet Morley
Topic to be decided
Wednesday 20 November 2013
- Location:
- 18 Keble Road Maidenhead SL6 6BA
Anatheism: Returning to God after God
Monday 18 November 2013
A talk about the quest for truth and for spiritual wholeness in a world of multiple narratives and multiple tragedies. Part of the St Martin’s autumn lecture series.
- Location:
- St Martin in the Fields, London
- Speaker:
- Richard Kearney
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