PCN Britain's 20th Anniversary - Reading
Saturday 4 November 2023
PCN Britain cordially invites you to join us in celebrating our 20th anniversary.
- Location:
- Reading Minster, St. Mary’s Gate, Chain Street, Reading, Berkshire RG1 2HX
- Speaker:
- PCN Britain, Victoria Turner
- Host:
- PCN Britain
Bonhoeffer's Legacy for Today - 'Dialogue or Confession?'
Thursday 26 October 2023
Bonhoeffer's Legacy For Today - A series of online seminars hosted by Project Bonhoeffer
- Location:
- Online
- Speaker:
- Keith Clements, Stephen Plant
- Host:
- Project Bonhoeffer
Jesus as Lord
Monday 23 October 2023
- Location:
- 49 Milton Crescent Tavistock
- Speaker:
Bonhoeffer's Legacy for Today - 'Are we still of any use?'
Thursday 19 October 2023
Bonhoeffer's Legacy For Today - A series of online seminars hosted by Project Bonhoeffer
- Location:
- Online
- Speaker:
- Ben Beno, John Battle
- Host:
- Project Bonhoeffer
Paganism and the New Religiosity
Wednesday 18 October 2023
Are we seeing a new situation where people are reluctant to identify
with established institutional religions, but, in the words of Peter
Nynäs, ‘combine spiritual and religious positions with secular values
into authentic and unified outlooks on life’?
- Location:
- Zoom
- Speaker:
- Denise Cush
- Host:
- Sea of Faith
Shekhinah: Gender and Representation in Jewish Mysticism and Its Origins
Thursday 12 October 2023
In this talk, Luke will introduce gendered representations of Shekhinah in Jewish mysticism and explore potential precursors in earlier rabbinic and biblical traditions, Plato’s dialogues, and numerical theology associated with Pythagoras.
- Location:
- Friends Meeting House, 1 Orchard Road, Malvern, WR14 3DA
- Speaker:
- Dr Luke Devine
TAA October 2023
Sunday 8 October 2023
How can we have arrived at the second Sunday of October already?
As usual we meet online at 6.30 pm this Sunday, 8th October for approximately an hour - usually a bit over. The evening will be led by Andy.
Feel free to bring snacks and drinks.
For zoom link info please contact sue.harrington@pcnbritain.org.uk by 6 pm on Sunday.
Looking forward to seeing you then.
- Location:
- Online Zoom
- Speaker:
- Rev Andy Lowe
What does progressive Christianity offer and how does Jesus fit in?
Tuesday 3 October 2023
This meeting will continue the theme of the September meeting focusing on the status of Jesus in a progressive Christianity.
- Location:
- This will be a Zoom Meeting, please contact the convenor by email if you wish to come
How ethical is imprisonment?
Thursday 14 September 2023
Research studies show 3 key links with imprisonment, namely child abuse, living with violence and with poverty.
What is the (ethical) purpose of punishing such people?
How does imprisonment help such people to move back into society - or does it?
Are the costs of imprisonment and building new prisons value for money?
- Location:
- Friends Meeting House, 1 Orchard Road, Malvern WR14 3DA
- Speaker:
- Hugh McMichael
Summer reading highlights
Tuesday 12 September 2023
Bring your reading/watching/listening highlights to share with each other
- Location:
- Brunswick Methodist Church, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7BJ
- Speaker:
- Discussion
The Galilee Course – A fresh look at Christianity for inquiring minds
Monday 11 September 2023
— Monday 20 November 2023
The Galilee Course is an introduction to Christianity created by the Rev Tim Yeager, an Anglican priest and PCN member, as a progressive alternative to Alpha.
- Location:
- Zoom
TAA September: Challenging Evil
Sunday 10 September 2023
This month our discussion topic is 'Challenging Evil' and will be led by Jonathan Gravestock. Online via Zoom for approximately an hour. Please be in touch for joining info by 6pm on Sunday 10th to: sue.harrington@pcnbritain.org.uk
Relaxed and informal feel free to byo drinks and snacks.
- Location:
- Online Zoom
- Speaker:
- Jonathan Gravestock
What do progressive Christians believe and how does Jesus fit in?
Tuesday 5 September 2023
Drawing on Dave Tomlinson's ideas in his book Black Sheep and Prodigals, we shall examine what, as progressive Christians, we believe about and view Jesus.
- Location:
- This will be a Zoom Meeting, please contact the convenor by email if you wish to come
Solving the problem of evil
Tuesday 29 August 2023
Thomas Jay Oord presents an end of summer talk at Reading Minster
- Location:
- Reading Minster of St Mary the Virgin, Chain Street, Reading, RG1 2HX
- Speaker:
- Thomas Jay Oord
- Host:
- Reading Minster
All the things that God can't do
Sunday 27 August 2023
PCN Britain presents an evening with the controversial theologian Thomas Jay Oord
- Location:
- St Andrew's Church, Blenheim Crescent, Luton, LU3 1HA
- Speaker:
- Thomas Jay Oord
- Host:
- PCN Britain
Greenbelt 2023
Thursday 24 August 2023
— Sunday 27 August 2023
2023 is Greenbelt's 50th anniversary festival. It will be a weekend of music, comedy, craft, theatre, dance, food, spirituality, talks, provocation and more.
- Location:
- Boughton House, nr Kettering
- Speaker:
- various
- Host:
- Greenbelt
TAA August: A question
Sunday 13 August 2023
August is here and, hopefully, summer will be along shortly!
Andy is posing a question for us to ponder upon and respond at this Sunday evening's Thinking Aloud Allowed:
‘What would a Progressive Church for today and tomorrow look like?’
Online at 6.30 pm this Sunday, 13th August for approximately an hour - usually a bit over.
Feel free to bring snacks and drinks. Looking forward to seeing you then.
email me for Zoom link info by 6pm on Sunday
- Location:
- Online Zoom
- Speaker:
- Revd Andy Lowe
Planning meeting
Tuesday 11 July 2023
- Location:
- Brunswick Methodist Church, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7BJ
- Speaker:
- Discussion
On Still Being Honest to God
Wednesday 28 June 2023
- Location:
- St Brides, Liverpool
Still 'Honest to God'?": Reflections 60 years on from John Robinson's book
Wednesday 21 June 2023
This event is part of the Sea of Faith - 'In Conversation' series
- Location:
- Zoom
- Speaker:
- Peter Selby
- Host:
- Sea of Faith
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