Events Archive

Jai Jagat Group, its Gandhian principles and walking to COP 26 in Glasgow.

Janmejay Singh was one of the Jai Jagat Group walkers to COP26 in Glasgow. Janmejay will explore the Gandhian principles of Jai Jagat.

Janmejay Singh [live from India]

How I became a heretic with help from Jesus

A CD of the talk Robin Myers gave at Connections Live! 2012 which was recorded in Temple, Texas.

Tavistock United Reformed Church, Russell Street, Tavistock
Robin Myers

Seen & Heard: True LGBTQIA+ Christian stories for LGBT+ History Month

Following the success of our ‘Stories with Solidarity’ event for International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia last May, we’re hosting another affirming online story-telling event for LGBT+ History Month in February.

Hear true LGBTQIA+ Christian stories from members of the Open Table Network, plus our partners Diverse Church, House of Rainbow, OneBodyOneFaith, Quest and Two:23 Network.

Inspired by the theme of this year's LGBT+ History Month, we're inviting people to tell a true story from their lives on the theme of 'SEEN'.


Galilee Online Group monthly meeting


Jayne Ozanne on the Campaign to Ban Conversion Therapy

Jayne Ozanne

TAA February: Thich Nhat Hanh

It is Thinking Aloud Allowed time again. We will be thinking about and reflecting on Thich Nhat Hanh.

Everyone welcome, feel free to bring a snack and something to drink if you'd like to.

Online via Zoom
Discussion led by the Rev Andy Lowe

Christianity & Feminism

Using the 'Together in Hope' booklet 'Christianity & Feminism' available for download on the PCN website

Brunswick Methodist Church, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7BJ

What on Earth is Religious Humanism?

All are welcome to join us as we learn why non-theists like David Boulton still find a home in religious communities - in his case the Quakers.

Zoom (Contact Andy for link)
David Boulton

‘The divine feminine and Christianity’ with Anne Baring

Saturday 5th February 2022


Anne will be giving two 20 minute talks online with discussion afterwards. They are

The loss and the recovery of the feminine principle


What was Jesus’ essential teaching and how can it be recovered?


Re-thinking Christianity for the 21st Century with Dave Tomlinson

This is meeting in our series of events where we are looking at what the future might hold for Christianity in the 21st Century

This will be a Zoom Meeting, contact Cliff Marshall by email if you would like to join us for this meeting.
Dave Tomlinson

Climate Change

On Zoom
Andy's friend

‘Sex, Sexuality, and Gender in the Old Testament: A Journey of words in relationship’

Pete Brazier is a Methodist minister in Leeds; studied BA Visual & Performing Arts in Brighton, MA Theology & Ministry in Durham, UK, and at Duke, US; a songwriter and fractal theologian. Pete’s talk, linked to his book, ‘Sex, Sexuality, and gender in the Old Testament: A Journey of words in relationship’ will explore the question, ‘Why bother with what the Old Testament has to say about Sex?’, sharing some of the discoveries from his journey and speaking about why a deeper analysis of the biblical language associated with these issues may help the conversations we are having today.

Pete Brazier

Made of Stories refresher

We will be refreshing our viewing of 3 of the Made of Stories clips that we previously viewed on zoom.

Tavistock United Reformed Church, Russell Street, Tavistock

Church Going Gone. A biography of religion, doubt and faith - The Revd Canon Brian Mountford

The Revd Canon Brian Mountford was Fellow and Chaplain of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, before becoming Vicar of the University Church, Oxford from 1986-2016. He has been Chaplain of St Hilda's since 1989 and conducts worship in the Chapel on one day each week in term. The 'Chaplain's Chat' is a termly meeting with a visiting speaker when issues in public theology are discussed.

Canon Mountford is Publisher at Large for the 'Christian Alternative' imprint of John Hunt Publishing which seeks to promote radical theological ideas and to engage theologically with public issues.

Brian Mountford is writer of the best-selling Christian Atheist - belonging without believing and the anthology, Friday's Child - poems of suffering and redemption. In Church Going Gone, Brian offers, through the story of his own ministry, a fascinating – and – sobering perspective on the sea changes that the Church has undergone in the past fifty years.

For details of the zoom meeting, please email

Online meeting via Zoom
The Revd Canon Brian Mountford

Talking Philosophy

We will discuss topics central to philosophy (knowledge, mind and body, and free-will) and engage philosophically with topics of very general interest (sex, war, and death).

Andrew Jack
Woodbrook College

Talk by Newcastle Unitarians

"United in Diversity: Unitarianism and Christianity. Louise Reeve, a lay worship leader at Newcastle upon Tyne Unitarians, will lead a discussion introducing the Unitarian approach to spirituality, and how Unitarianism today seeks to explore truths from all sources, whilst respecting and learning from its Christian heritage. This will be a chance for two progressive groups in Newcastle upon Tyne to get to know each other and share our thoughts on liberal spirituality in 2022."

Brunswick Methodist Church, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7BJ
Louise Reeve

Galilee Online Group monthly meeting


TAA January - The Cosmic Christ

Our subject for Thinking Aloud Allowed this Sunday evening will be the Cosmic Christ and will be based on some of the thinking of Richard Rohr a Franciscan Priest. If you would like to prepare for it there are a couple of videos, both about 30 mins long that you could watch. They can be found via the following links: Richard in conversation with a Catholic Priest Richard talking to a group followed by comments and questions.

Don't worry if you don't have time to watch before Sunday evening as we will watch part of one of them together then.

Online via Zoom
Discussion led by the Rev Andy Lowe

No Meeting in December

‘Making Room’ with reference to ‘Hospitality and Sanctuary for All’ by Inderjit Bhogal.

Brunswick Methodist Church, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7BJ
Joyce Firth

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