Brian McLaren
Author, speaker, activist, and networker among innovative Christian leaders
McLaren's dozen-plus books include A New Kind of Christianity, A Generous Orthodoxy, Naked Spirituality, and Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road?
He and his wife, Grace, live in Florida and have four adult children and two granddaughters. He's an avid wildlife and outdoors enthusiast who believes God's first language is this amazing universe.
He graduated from University of Maryland with degrees in English. His academic interests included Medieval drama, Romantic poets, modern philosophical literature, and the novels of Walker Percy.
He has toured the UK on at least two occasions. A video recording of his visit to Harrogate is available in the PCN shop
He is Theologian in Residence with Life in the Trinity Ministry and he also has his own website where you can read more of his writing