Disability Theology through the lens of Bonhoeffer

The second of 2024's Autumn seminars hosted by Project Bonhoeffer exploring current issues through the lens of Bonhoeffer’s Theology.

Start Date:
Thursday 7 November 2024
Start Time:
Eleanor McLaughlin, Ruth Wilde

Bonhoeffer's works contain much reflection on what it means to be human, and in particular he discusses the human creature in his lectures collected in Creation and Fall. Disability theology also raises the question of what it means to be human. Dr Eleanor McLaughlin will provide an overview of some of the central ideas in disability theology, and explore how Bonhoeffer's insights might help us have a fresh view of disability. She will be joined by Pastor Ruth Wilde for an engaging discussion.

To book your free ticket please follow the link to the Eventbrite page https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/...

Booking Details

Please book using the Eventbrite link, this will take you to the page for all three seminars in the series.

Group Programme